Friday, May 6, 2016

It's My Party and I'll Cry if I Want to

When a spoiled brat throws himself down, holds his breath and starts wailing and kicking his feet, the only thing a mother can do is just "keep calm and carry on". Let the little darling turn blue and bang his head on the floor if he wants to. He won't really hurt himself. He simply wants his way. *

It's embarrassing when the tiny tyrant throws a temper tantrum in public, something the little monster well knows. Strangers stare, people tsk and fingers point. But the fact is, there really is nothing Mama can do. If she gives in, he'll only get worse, and eventually the little tyrant becomes a dictator. Nor can she cajole him into behaving. Whispering sweet nothings will only make him scream louder. He wants his way, and nothing short of getting it is going to suffice. It might be a candy bar he wants, or a new toy. He's going to scream until he gets it.

Mama can always haul the brat bodily out of the store, of course, but that generally causes even more disruption as she tries to navigate crowded aisles with a kicking, screaming, red-faced, bucking bronco in her arms. So the best thing to do is ignore the little beast and let him wail and kick. Eventually he'll stop.

Right now, the Republican political establishmentarians, used to voters doing what they're told, are throwing one humongous temper tantrum for all the world to see. Papa Bush and his darlings, Georgie Pie and Jebbie Pooh, are holding their breath and refusing to attend the Republican convention because we the people wouldn't give Jebbie Pooh the prize. (God only knows how they'd have behaved had President Putin or President Xi Jinping wounded Jebbie Pooh's tender feelings by denying him something he thought he rightfully deserved).

The Bushies aren't alone in their immature ridiculousness. Failed former Republican presidential candidate, Little Lord Fauntleromney is likewise pitching a fit. He's so mad at scary Donald that he's stomping his feet and spitting. Little Paulie Ryan is slightly better behaved. He just stuck out his bottom lip and refused to take a step. If Daddy Preibus wants him to move, Daddy Preibus is going to have to pick him up and carry him bodily out to the car. Their fellow preschoolers, Georgie Will, Billy Kristol and Charlie Krauthammer are all in a snit, too. They wanted Jebbie to get the prize, and if they can't get their way, they're going to go play with Hillary.

As Leslie Gore used to sing:
"It's my party, and I'll cry if I want to,
"Cry if I want to, cry if I want to,
"You would cry too, if it happened to you."

On a more serious note, the aberrant behavior of entrenched Republican politicians and their mouth pieces in the punditry class and the media toward Donald Trump and the voters who chose him is no laughing matter.

While Mr. Trump does indeed have rough edges which he will need to smooth out, Republican voters have clearly indicated they are opposed to what some see as an alliance between Democrats and Republicans which they call "the Establishment" or sometimes "the UniParty" which  puts the interests of the world first and America last.

In giving Mr. Trump such overwhelming support, Republican voters have fiercely rejected the Establishment's (UniParty's) Budget-Busting, Trade-Deficit, Crony Capitalistic, One-World, New World Order, Globalist, Open Borders, Amnesty to all and Perpetual War-Mongering represented by the Bushes, Mitt Romney and many Establishment politicians who represent the entrenched interests of Washington, DC and the rest of the world over the American people and the country which has given the world so much of its blood and treasure.

Nor should the Democrats celebrate the disarray in the Republican Party. The continuing popularity of Senator Bernie Sanders indicates Democrat primary voters are just as fed up with the status quo which has governed this country (some say into the ground) over the past three decades (with, in this writer's opinion, a brief interlude during the years Bill Clinton was president and Newt Gingrich the Speaker of the House).

Senator Sanders's supporters are too young to know Socialism doesn't work. They are not too young to know that the crony-capitalism of the past three decades doesn't either.


Rest in Peace, Justice Ginsberg

Ruth Bader Ginsberg died Friday afternoon. May she rest in peace.  Whether one agreed or disagreed with Justice Ginsberg's judicial phil...