Saturday, November 5, 2016

The Cloud Minders

On Tuesday, Americans – some citizens, some not; some alive, some not -- will for the first time in thirty-six years, go to the polls and not have to choose between Pete (a Democrat Globalist) or Repeat (a Republican Globalist). For the first time since 1980, the voters will have the opportunity to elect a president who is not part of the ruling elite, a president who promises to  put America and Americans first, a president who does not represent the cloud minders who live on Stratos (1).  

The election of 2016 was supposed to be a repeat of  Bush versus Clinton where, whomever won, America would have continued her steady march toward Globalism as verbalized by Bush pere’s “New World Order”, Bill Clinton’s signing of NAFTA, Bush fils's "nation building" and the temporarily stalled TPP backed by Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton (before she was against it). Why the leaders of our nation are intent upon eliminating the poverty of the citizens of other nations at the expense of the living standards of our own citizens is a subject for another discussion.

Tuesday’s election might have been even more interesting had the Democratic Party’s apparatus not managed to overcome their own voter rebellion. A Trump versus Sanders election might have convinced the ruling elite that the American people no longer are willing to accept the crony capitalism of the last three decades, that while those who backed Senator Sanders do not understand that Socialism doesn't work, they do understand that what we're doing doesn't work either.

In 1980, though it pleases the establishment Republicans to forget, the ruling elite were as opposed to Washington outsider, Ronald Reagan, as they are to Donald Trump today. And with the same response. In 1980, establishment Republican Illinois Senator, John Anderson, ran as an Independent (2). In 2016, it is Evan McMullin (3) who is carrying the standard of those who would rather see a Globalist Democrat in the White House than a Nationalist Republican.

In 1980, the shills and shrills warned the voters that Ronald Reagan was a racist, sexist, homophobic pig, a dangerous lunatic, who, if elected, would start a war with Russia. This year, the same shills and shrills claim Donald Trump is a racist, sexist, homophobic pig and dangerous lunatic who won't start a war with Russia.

Growltiger isn't quite sure when and how it happened, but Russia is now the bogeyman. To be fair, Mitt Romney signaled this pending shift in Russia's status in 2012 when he claimed Russia was our biggest threat. At the time President Obama made light of the comment, but now, four years later, the Democrats are singing the same song: The Russians are coming, the Russians are coming. Meanwhile, men and women loyal to Islamic Jihad bomb Bostonians at their Marathon, shoot up nightclubs in Paris, run over men, women and children on the Promenade in Nice, gun down revelers at a Christmas party in San Bernadino and open fire on gays in a nightclub in Orlando.  

For those who believe Fox News is not doing all it can to elect Hillary Clinton, the following link shows a behind-the-scenes glimpse of NeverTrumper, Brit Hume, who, unaware the camera is on him and his mic is hot, collapses in a fury when a guest goes off the rails by claiming a vote for Third Party, McMullin, is a waste of a vote.

"Wrap him up, wrap him" Hume fumes at his producer. Then, realizing the camera is recording the temper tantrum, Hume composes his face and tries to look as though he didn't just rip off the mask he wears to conceal the ugly face of a media establishmentarian working to maintain the status quo which has so enriched them and theirs.

The point is not for Mr. McMullin to win--that is impossible--the point is to deny Donald Trump the win. Keep in mind, Mr. Hume works for Fox News and Fox News as well as the Wall Street Journal is owned by NewsCorp, one of the six corporations which control 91% of the information the American people receive via media. Then ask yourself whether what you know about Donald Trump is the truth or the result of desperate corporations and special interests frantically working to maintain the status quo.

Donald Trump's candidacy could not have happened had Mr. Trump not been independently wealthy and, therefore, able to self fund his campaign for the Republican nomination. Any other Republican who espoused Mr. Trump’s America first policies would have seen his funding cut off by those who prosper from Globalism and wish to see it continued. The same holds true for the general election. Mr. Trump has little, if any, backing from SuperPacs, Wall Street, major corporations, mainstream media (including Fox News) or  any other special interest. Ninety-nine percent (99.01% to be exact) of Mr. Trump’s contributions come from small donations averaging $50.46. That, dear readers, is American professional, middle and working classes digging into their relatively empty pockets for perhaps one last chance at electing a president who speaks to them and for them, a president who will put the interests of Main Street over those of Wall Street, the interests of the unemployed factory worker over the hedge fund operator, the interests of the overworked physician or nurse over the interests of the insurance executive heading up the corporation for which they work, the interests of the legal immigrant over the interests of an illegal immigrant who sneaked across the border or overstayed his/her visa, the interests of American citizens over the interests of the citizens of China or Mexico or Vietnam.

The Democrats, special interests, Wall Street, Hollywood, major corporations and the media, including Fox News, have all thrown everything--including the kitchen sink– at Donald Trump, and he is still standing. That is a victory unto itself.

(1) The Cloud Minders is a Star Trek episode in which the starship Enterprise races against time to acquire plague-fighting minerals from a planet in the midst of a civil uprising against a grievous social class disparity where the elite live in a magnificent city built on a cloud (Stratos) and the rest of the inhabitants live in grinding poverty and violence on the planet surface.



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